Introducing... The ServiceMonster Podcast

As we're approaching the end of the first quarter of 2019, all of us here at ServiceMonster are extremely excited to introduce our latest content offering: The ServiceMonster Podcast! Building on the past success of The ServiceMonster Show and #AskServiceMonster, we've taken a new approach focused on podcast-first audio recording, followed by a full video release and a variety of shorter clips. However, that does mean that the Ask and the Show will both no longer be produced (we promise that the new podcast is a great combination of the two with even more awesome content!).
This new weekly show is now your source for all things ServiceMonster: highlighting of product updates and feature improvements, SMUG (ServiceMonster User Group) questions answered, and a focused topic of discussion each episode, ranging from lead capture to marketing automation tools and everything in between. The podcast is hosted by our CEO, Joe Kowalski, who will be joined by a guest host each week. Expect to see different ServiceMonster employees, industry professionals, and maybe even some special guests in the future!
Our focus with this podcast is to provide YOU, a service business owner and/or a ServiceMonster user, with a complete weekly experience that will help you grow your business effectively. While also providing some entertainment, we aim to help each and every listener become a ServiceMonster "power user". Our commitment to you has always been helping you grow. The ServiceMonster Podcast is our next iteration of what that commitment looks like. We genuinely hope you enjoy each and every episode, and we always welcome feedback! Let us know if you'd like to see a specific topic covered, or have an idea of someone who would make a great guest host.
Now, let's briefly cover your listening/viewing options for the podcast.
Transistor: First and foremost, each new episode is posted on Transistor, our podcast hosting platform. You can stream the show there, or use these links to listen on your preferred platform (Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play, etc.).
SoundCloud: Just like the other audio-only options, SoundCloud is a great platform for listening but also allows you to engage with us more directly.
YouTube: Finally, the video. Our YouTube channel is the go-to video host for each podcast episode, so make sure to check that out if you want to actually SEE the podcasting action!
That's it for now, but let us know if there's another podcasting platform that you would like us to post to. Thanks for checking out our content and never hesitate to reach out with questions/comments/concerns.
If you aren't a ServiceMonster user, make sure to check out our free 14-day trial here.

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